Responses are only lower case when responding to polls in Echo Poll PowerPoint add-in
Liz Dinneen
Poll responses only display in lower case when using the Echo Poll PowerPoint add-in, even when upper case is used. We have medics etc who need to use acronyms and who want to use PowerPoint for polling, so it would be helpful if the text responses could be case sensitive.
Kathryn Stewart
Hannah Petty
Hi Liz Dinneen, is what you're talking about happening on the Instructor side, the Learner side, or both? Also, is it a specific question type that this is affecting? Thanks!
Liz Dinneen
Hi Hannah, thanks for getting back to me. A colleague of yours has been in touch and it was simply that I hadn't realised that the case sensitive tick box needed to be ticked in the question options. I thought that only related to the 'Correct Keyword' and didn't realise it relates to all text answers. It seems to be unticked by default. I'm easily confused. :) I suppose it would be helpful if case sensitive is the default and clarity that it relates to all text responses in the question options? This only relates to text polls, so word cloud and short answer. Thanks for getting back to me.