Ability to allow delegated admins to have recycle bin for designated office/department to be able to also restore soft deleted items
Roth, Kristen
Besides system-wide admins, it would be great to allow delegated admins such as admin assistant for departments also have access to a recycle bin for soft deleted items so that they can restore media on behalf of their staff/faculty users.
Hannah Petty
Hannah Petty
Hi Kristen, this should already be in place. DAs do have the recycle bin and the content they have permission to see in the archive and trash sections adhere to the toggles that control whether DAs can see published/unpublished content outside of their Org/Dept (just like the Captures page does).
If you have any questions about this or think you're seeing anything strange, please feel free to reach out and contact our support team at support@echo360.com.
Kathryn Stewart
in development