Ability to disable showing/download of transcription
Clarence Sin
Staff had recorded audio tests in multiple units but students were able to download transcription for the answer.
Staff have about hundreds of audio used in testing.
Would be good to be able to disable the showing/download of transcription.
Hannah Petty
Merged in a post:
limit the ability to download transcripts
Brad Leenstra
as an EchoAdmin, we are hearing from Faculty that they would like to be able to limit the ability to download the transcripts as it is causing some students not to watch the video- just ready or scan the transcript
David Young
As an instructor, I would like to prevent students from being able to download the transcripts of Echo recordings (through the "cloud with a downward arrow" icon that appears beside the search field when a recording is opened). While teaching an online course, I discovered that various students simply downloaded the transcripts instead of watching the narrated PowerPoint lectures I had gone to the trouble to prepare at home through Echo Personal Capture. In any course, but especially in an online course, students need to be required to spend time watching the recordings and taking their own notes instead of spending 10 seconds inside the recording to grab a download of the transcript. This is detrimental to learning. Instructors should have the option to “allow” or “prevent” downloads of transcripts.
Katie Becker
I know there’s another post for this, but yes, our faculty are very concerned about students cheating with AI. I 100% agree with you of the transcript should not be able to be downloaded.
David Young
As an instructor, I would like to prevent students from being able to download the transcripts of Echo recordings (through the "cloud with a downward arrow" icon that appears beside the search field when a recording is opened). While teaching an online course, I discovered that various students simply downloaded the transcripts instead of watching the narrated PowerPoint lectures I had gone to the trouble to prepare at home through Echo Personal Capture. In any course, but especially in an online course, students need to be required to spend time watching the recordings and taking their own notes instead of spending 10 seconds inside the recording to grab a download of the transcript. This is detrimental to learning.
Hannah Petty