ASR Confidence Score
Mikee Elliott
Please generate an ASR confidence score for an institution. This should also include Org Unit breakdown to the section level so that individual sections can determine their own ASR confidence score.
Created by Patrick Walsh
Hannah Petty
Hannah Petty
Thanks! We have some analytics improvements as a part of our current roadmap that this might be able to fall under. As we work towards these improvements, we'll keep this in mind!
Hannah Petty
Hi Mikee Elliott, thanks so much for this! Just to make sure I understand, are you wanting to see what the average ASR confidence score/level is across all of the existing transcripts in the system (at the institution, org., dept., and section levels)?
Mikee Elliott
Hannah Petty: Yes, that's the one. We have the option to automatically apply a transcript to cc based on confidence level, but no way to reference this against our system's content - so we have little benchmark to refer to when setting it.
As a further benefit, as audio quality is a significant driver of legibility of the ASR function, it could be used to target proactive remedial efforts in recording quality.