Generate ASR transcripts on demand from embedded player.
Mark van de Velde
We have a lot of embedded Echo videos teachers have uploaded that don’t have transcripts applied because they are from the teacher’s video library.
I’d like to see an admin option that when enabled, allows viewers of any embedded video to request a transcript (via the embedded player) if the video does not have one already. A message would need to pop up telling them the request has been sent and they will be emailed once the transcript is done, or to come back later if it’s a public video.
This would limit any excessive use of ASR generation but give transcripts to these who would like it.
Hannah Petty
Ellen Terrill
Vote from me!
David Yammouni
It would be great if this would also appear as an option during the embedding phase, perhaps in the last step where you can select the size of the embed/autoplay/automute/discussion/etc.