It would be useful if the following changes could be considered for the screen displayed when adding a link to a capture (from within Moodle).
Under Step 1...
  1. Add an option to pick the Course from which the Section will be selected
  2. Maybe change text 'Link a different section' to 'Link to a different Section or create a new one'
Under Step 2...
  1. Change text 'Link to classroom' to 'Link to file' or 'Link to a capture'
  2. Either fix the top part of the screen so that the link buttons and Link Content button remain fixed while browsing the content list below OR add a Link Content button to the right of each entry in the content list
  3. Add an alphabetical sort option to the Sort by list.
(What does the Custom sort actually do?)
  1. Ensure the Link Content button is deactivated if a new Section is chosen after a selection has been made from an initial Section. Linking no longer works when the Section is changed
  2. Revise the text 'Select where you want students to be redirected: Class List page or a specific Classroom' to e.g. 'Select what you want to link to - to the Section Home page (holding a list of all Section captures) or to a specific capture - then click Link Content'