media availability icon colour
Joey Ricottone
For an Echo360 section page, can the media icon show as a different colour (visible to the instructor) depending on the status of that media. Eg. available = green, unavailable = yellow. It seems to happen quite often where an instructor assumes a video is visible to students because they see a green icon, but the video is actually set to unavailable. Obviously the media availability status is displayed in the media menu, but a colour coded icon could be more intuitive. ...this may sort itself out if/when you make a "view as student" mode for instructors.
Hannah Petty
Hi all, with the recent releases, we have updated the look and feel of the Section Class List. From the Instructor perspective, there are now 2 distinct colors of the media icons for available vs. unavailable content. We'll also keep this feedback in mind as we continue with our plans to transition to folders.
Kathryn Stewart