Merging, Splitting and Moving Departments
Bob White
With departmental changes throughout a campus it is important that we have the ability to move, merge or split departments up. Currently our only option is to go through each Course manually and edit it. In my one current example that is over 100 individual courses.
Hannah Petty
I'm happy to announce that we have released the first phase of Folders with our end of July release. This includes the ability for you to move Folders to a different parent. Cloning and additional features coming soon! For more information, see:
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in development
Hannah Petty
Katie Becker
Hannah Petty: Our institution cannot wait for folder structure to be released. Just to confirm, this feature release will it include the ability for admins to move sections into another course? There have been times where a section is accidentally created in the wrong course or the wrong term is selected so it has to be deleted and you have to start over. Will there be the ability to edit and move sections?
Echo Team
Hi Bob, thank you so much for your feedback! As we move towards a more traditional folder-based structure, currently on the roadmap for Q2 of this year, we will be supporting the ability for structures to be moved, nested, copied, etc.
Bec Plumbe
Agree! This needs to be a basic, built-in ability for any tool serving the higher education market (or larger institution of any kind). Constant organisational restructuring is a fact of life these days, unfortunately!