Moodle TinyMCE support
Gregor McNish
Moodle is moving to tinymce as the default editor, and there's currently no tinymce plugin for inserting echo links. A tinymce button would be nice; but another approach would be to make a moodle repository, and use the regular file/link embed functionality in moodle to add links. Perhaps that codebase would be easier to maintain?
Hannah Petty
We now support TinyMCE as of this week's release! Instructions on getting it set up are here:
Gregor McNish
Hannah Petty: Cheers this is great. But why are there two filters, one for tiny and one for atto? I can see the embed directly references the filter -- it would be better if there were just one filter that worked for both?
This post was marked as
in development
Thank you so much for your feedback! We are excited to share that this feature is coming and is currently planned as a part of our roadmap for this year.
Kathryn Stewart