Poll's Histogram
Dianne DeVault
With the recent update, when students answer questions to Polls the histogram (such as a bar graph of who answered a certain question more) would show up. That feature is no longer available and a tech from Echo mentioned to request this feature back. I've attached a screen shot of a poll from last semester, Answer B showing the graph as the highest A or C shows lowest and D shows about the middle. That feature is not showing up this semester.
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Kathryn Stewart
Kristi Reuille
This is a screenshot of a video from my course. I do know the numbers are there on the right. It's frustrating that this was taken OUT of Echo360. This is supposed to be an interactive tool. Students should be able to see, at a glance, during class, which answer was most popular, etc.
Removing this functionality from Echo360 is just one of the
issues I have with the new interface!