More than one Instructor
Ciara Session
I work in an institution where there is often more than one instructor to a course. I propose that Point solutions web interface have the option to enroll multiple instructors (up to 15) in one cloud based course.
Chris Patrone
Merged in a post:
Point Solutions
Regina Scott
Many times I have several instructors that teach in a single course. It would be VERY helpful in Point Solutions if in addition to adding students, other instructors could be added to the online course. This way only one person has to set this up initially and just add the instructors that will be teaching in that course. In the classroom, they would all be able to access the course for polling.
Chris Patrone
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Multiple Teachers to a Class in Point Solution
Ciara Session
My college has multiple teachers teaching one course. There is a security risk for all the professors sharing an online account. Point solutions should have the feature of having multiple instructors to one course through the online platform.
Allison Ricko
Doug Blackburn
This scenario is prevalent with many health sciences universities and would be extremely helpful for course management.