I have a TA who is already listed in Echo360 as a user and she is not able to login to the UC desktop platform. The only role she had at the time was Teaching Assistant. I noticed in the Institution Settings there is not an option for giving TAs access to UC installers so I assumed they already had access. The User Roles KB article ( https://admin.echo360.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035035452-User-Roles-Capabilities-and-Limitations#h_50036ddf-65ed-4790-a53a-3180aadaeb10 ) even lists UC access as a ‘CANNOT’ function of the Teaching Assistant role. With this COVID-19 stuff pushing most of us online even for delivery of labs, it would be helpful if TAs could create ad hoc captures either online in the Echo360 dashboard or through the desktop program. It opens up a lot of freedom and flexibility for all involved in the delivery of the content. It is possible she was just doing something wrong, but after switching her to an instructor, she now has the ability to get logged in without a problem.